sábado, 12 de septiembre de 2020

Bad Guys, Blaggers And Slaaaaggggs 28Mm 7Tv

A while back I completed my Sweeney stuff so it was time to get some blaggers to add to the collection to act as the other side in the Cops and Robbers mini Project.

All the figures are from Crooked Dice 7tv range and are a large 28mm scale, highly recommended they have great detail and character. The guys above are the Foot soldiers, all wearing balaclavas and ready for the next Blag.

In front of my new O Gauge buildings they look the biz, I certainly wouldn't want to meet any of them in a dark alley !

I've also been adding to the 1:43 scale vehicles, here's a lovely Mk I Transit van as daily transport to and from the bank.

Above are some more vehicles, a Mk III Cortina and two vans, an Ambulance and a Police Van.

A closer shot of the Bad Guy bosses along with a Yarkshire TV camera.

Everyone's down the boozer to plan the next job !

Probably my favourite figure of this batch is this Cameraman and Camera all done up ready to film the next feature documentary for Yarkshire TV.

The one good guy in the batch was this Tough Detective figure that I've painted up to look like Jack Reagan from The Sweeney.

A bit of dodgy dealing going on outside The Red Lion.

Now this is a Crime Fighting duo I'd want to see, Gene Hunt and Jack Reagan, that would clean the streets !

Hopefully you have enjoyed that journey through the bad guys, I hope to have some scenarios worked up some, just waiting on some terrain from Sally Forth that I ordered about 3 weeks ago.

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