miércoles, 31 de mayo de 2023

$$$ Bug Bounty $$$

What is Bug Bounty ?

A bug bounty program, also called a vulnerability rewards program (VRP), is a crowdsourcing initiative that rewards individuals for discovering and reporting software bugs. Bug bounty programs are often initiated to supplement internal code audits and penetration tests as part of an organization's vulnerability management strategy.

Many software vendors and websites run bug bounty programs, paying out cash rewards to software security researchers and white hat hackers who report software vulnerabilities that have the potential to be exploited. Bug reports must document enough information for for the organization offering the bounty to be able to reproduce the vulnerability. Typically, payment amounts are commensurate with the size of the organization, the difficulty in hacking the system and how much impact on users a bug might have.

Mozilla paid out a $3,000 flat rate bounty for bugs that fit its criteria, while Facebook has given out as much as $20,000 for a single bug report. Google paid Chrome operating system bug reporters a combined $700,000 in 2012 and Microsoft paid UK researcher James Forshaw $100,000 for an attack vulnerability in Windows 8.1.  In 2016, Apple announced rewards that max out at $200,000 for a flaw in the iOS secure boot firmware components and up to $50,000 for execution of arbitrary code with kernel privileges or unauthorized iCloud access.

While the use of ethical hackers to find bugs can be very effective, such programs can also be controversial. To limit potential risk, some organizations are offering closed bug bounty programs that require an invitation. Apple, for example, has limited bug bounty participation to few dozen researchers.

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How To Start | How To Become An Ethical Hacker

Are you tired of reading endless news stories about ethical hacking and not really knowing what that means? Let's change that!
This Post is for the people that:

  • Have No Experience With Cybersecurity (Ethical Hacking)
  • Have Limited Experience.
  • Those That Just Can't Get A Break

OK, let's dive into the post and suggest some ways that you can get ahead in Cybersecurity.
I receive many messages on how to become a hacker. "I'm a beginner in hacking, how should I start?" or "I want to be able to hack my friend's Facebook account" are some of the more frequent queries. Hacking is a skill. And you must remember that if you want to learn hacking solely for the fun of hacking into your friend's Facebook account or email, things will not work out for you. You should decide to learn hacking because of your fascination for technology and your desire to be an expert in computer systems. Its time to change the color of your hat 😀

 I've had my good share of Hats. Black, white or sometimes a blackish shade of grey. The darker it gets, the more fun you have.

If you have no experience don't worry. We ALL had to start somewhere, and we ALL needed help to get where we are today. No one is an island and no one is born with all the necessary skills. Period.OK, so you have zero experience and limited skills…my advice in this instance is that you teach yourself some absolute fundamentals.
Let's get this party started.
  •  What is hacking?
Hacking is identifying weakness and vulnerabilities of some system and gaining access with it.
Hacker gets unauthorized access by targeting system while ethical hacker have an official permission in a lawful and legitimate manner to assess the security posture of a target system(s)

 There's some types of hackers, a bit of "terminology".
White hat — ethical hacker.
Black hat — classical hacker, get unauthorized access.
Grey hat — person who gets unauthorized access but reveals the weaknesses to the company.
Script kiddie — person with no technical skills just used pre-made tools.
Hacktivist — person who hacks for some idea and leaves some messages. For example strike against copyright.
  •  Skills required to become ethical hacker.
  1. Curosity anf exploration
  2. Operating System
  3. Fundamentals of Networking
*Note this sites

Read more
  1. Pentest Tools For Mac
  2. Hack Tools For Mac
  3. Hack Tools Download
  4. Tools 4 Hack
  5. Hack Tools Github
  6. Hack Tools For Mac
  7. Computer Hacker
  8. Hack And Tools
  9. Github Hacking Tools
  10. Pentest Tools Kali Linux
  11. Top Pentest Tools
  12. Wifi Hacker Tools For Windows
  13. Pentest Tools Android
  14. Hacker Tools Software
  15. Hacker Tools For Windows
  16. Hacking Apps
  17. Pentest Tools Framework
  18. Hack Tools
  19. Android Hack Tools Github
  20. Blackhat Hacker Tools
  21. What Are Hacking Tools
  22. Hacker Tools 2020
  23. Hak5 Tools
  24. Hacking Tools Windows
  25. Free Pentest Tools For Windows
  26. Pentest Recon Tools
  27. Hacking Tools For Kali Linux
  28. Hack Tools
  29. Pentest Recon Tools
  30. Pentest Tools Port Scanner
  31. Hack Tools Download
  32. Hacking Tools Hardware
  33. Hack Tools Pc
  34. Hacker Tools Software
  35. Termux Hacking Tools 2019
  36. Hacking Tools Kit
  37. How To Make Hacking Tools
  38. Ethical Hacker Tools
  39. Pentest Tools Kali Linux
  40. Pentest Tools Open Source
  41. Hacking Tools For Windows
  42. Hacking Apps
  43. Hacking Tools Windows
  44. Pentest Tools Free
  45. Pentest Box Tools Download
  46. Beginner Hacker Tools
  47. Tools For Hacker
  48. Pentest Tools For Android
  49. Black Hat Hacker Tools
  50. Hacker Tools Free
  51. Hacking Tools For Windows
  52. Pentest Tools Android

martes, 30 de mayo de 2023

Learning Web Pentesting With DVWA Part 1: Installation

In this tutorial series I'm going to walk you through the damn vulnerable web application (DVWA) which is damn vulnerable. Its main goal according to the creators is "to aid security professionals to test thier skills and tools in a legal environment, help web developers better understand the process of securing web applications and to aid both students & teachers to learn about web application security in a controlled class room environment."

I am going to install DVWA in docker so the prerequisite for this tutorial will be an installation of docker (Docker is not the only way to install DVWA but if you have docker already installed then it may be the easiest way to install DVWA).

To install DVWA in docker run your docker deamon if it's not running already and open a terminal or powershell and type:

docker rum --rm -it -p 8080:80 vulnerables/web-dvwa

It will take some time to pull the image from docker hub depending on your internet speed and after it is complete it will start the dvwa application. In the command we have mapped the image instance's port 80 to our hosts port 8080 so we should be able to access the web application from our host at http://localhost:8080

Now open your favorite web browser and go to http://localhost:8080
You should be prompted with a login screen like this:

login with these creds:
username: admin
password: password

After login you'll see a database setup page since this is our first run. Click on Create / Reset Database button at the bottom. It will setup database and redirect you to login page. Now login again and you'll see a welcome page.

Now click on DVWA Security link at the bottom of the page navigation and make sure the security level is set to Low. If it is not click on the dropdown, select Low and then click submit.

Now our setup is complete, so lets try a simple SQL attack to get a taste of whats about to come.

Click on SQL Injection in navigation menu.
You'll be presented with a small form which accepts User ID.
Enter a single quote (') in the User ID input field and click Submit.
You'll see an SQL error like this:

From the error message we can determine that the server has a MariaDB database and we can see the point of injection.
Since there are many quotes we are not able to determine the exact location of our injection. Lets add some text after our single quote to see exactly where our injection point is.
Now I am going to enter 'khan in the User ID field and click Submit.

Now we can see exactly where the point of injection is. Determining the point of injection is very important for a successful SQL injection and is sometimes very hard too, though it might not be that much useful here in this exercise.

Now lets try the very basic SQL Injection attack.
In the User ID field enter ' or 1=1-- - and click Submit.

We will explain what is going on here in the next article.

1. DVWA Official Website: http://www.dvwa.co.uk/
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BYOPPP - Build Your Own Privacy Protection Proxy

I have read a blog post, where you can build your own privacy proxy server built on Raspberry PI. The post got me thinking about how I can use this to protect my privacy on my Android phone, and also get rid of those annoying ads. 

Since I own a Samsung Galaxy S3 LTE with Android 4.3 (with a HW based Knox counter), rooting the phone now means you break Knox, and loose warranty. Past the point of no return ...

This means I have to solve this without root. Luckily newer Androids support VPN without rooting, but setting a mandatory system-wide proxy is still not possible without root. 
But thanks to some iptables magic and Privoxy, this is not a problem anymore :) 

The ingredients to build your own privacy protection proxy:
  • One (or more) cheap VPS server(s)
  • a decent VPN program
  • Privoxy
  • iptables

VPS server

To get the cheap VPS server, I recommend using Amazon EC2, but choose whatever you like. The micro instance is very cheap (or even free), and has totally enough resources for this task. I'm using the Ubuntu free tier now and it works like a charm. And last but not least Amazon has two-factor authentication! You can set up an Ubuntu server under 10 minutes. Use the AWS region nearest to you, e.g. I choose EU - Ireland.


For the VPN program, I recommend the free version of the OpenVPN AS (EDIT: be sure to use OpenVPN AS 2.0.6 or later, both on the server and the client). Easy to set-up quick start guide is here, GUI based configuration, and one-click client installer for Android, iOS, Windows, Linux, OSX. The Ubuntu installer packages are here.

The most important settings:

  • I prefer to use the TCP 443 and UDP 53 ports for my OpenVPN setup, and let the user guess why. 
  • For good performance, UDP is preferred over TCP. 
  • VPN mode is Layer 3 (routing/NAT).
  • Don't forget to allow the configured VPN ports in the AWS firewall (security groups). 

Other VPN settings:
  • Should VPN clients have access to private subnets (non-public networks on the server side)? - Yes
  • Should client Internet traffic be routed through the VPN? - Yes


The next component we have to install and configure is Privoxy. As usual, "apt-get install privoxy" just works. The next step is to configure privoxy via /etc/privoxy/config file, there are two options to change:
  • listen-address your.ip.add.ress:8118
  • accept-intercepted-requests 1
Beware not to allow everyone accessing your Privoxy server in the AWS EC2 security groups, be sure it is reachable only to VPN users!

After everything is set, start privoxy with "service privoxy start", and add it to the autostart "update-rc.d privoxy defaults".


And the final step is to configure your iptables chain to forward every web traffic from the VPN clients to the Privoxy server:

iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -s -p tcp -m multiport --dports 80,8080,81 -j DNAT --to-destination your.ip.add.ress:8118 

Optionally you can block access to all other ports as well, and what does not go through your Privoxy won't be reachable.
Based on your Linux distribution and preference, you might make this rule persistent.

Final test

Now you can connect to the VPN server from your Android device.
After logging in from a client, you get the following nice packages to install on your device:

After connecting, the final results can be seen in the following screenshots. And yes, there is a reason I chose Angry Birds as an example.

Angry Birds without Privoxy
Angry Birds with Privoxy
Stupid flashlight app with ad
Stupid flashlight app with Privoxy
Spoiler alert
If you are afraid of NSA tracking you, this post is not for you. If you want to achieve IP layer anonymity, this post is not for you. As long as you are the only one using that service, it should be trivial to see what could possibly go wrong with that.

Known issues
Whenever the Internet connection (Wifi, 3G) drops, the VPN connection drops as well, and your privacy is gone ...
Sites breaking your privacy through SSL can still do that as long as the domain is not in the Privoxy blacklist.

Additional recommendation
If you are using OSX or Windows, I can recommend Aviator to be used as your default browser. It is just great, give it a try!

PS: There are also some adblock apps removed from the official store which can block some ads, but you have to configure a proxy for every WiFi connection you use, and it is not working over 3G.

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